Saturday, November 28, 2009

Evil has a Cousin

So, we have very intrepid squirrels as you can see in this post. You'd think they would jump off a window ledge featuring two very large and very agitated cats, but no, they stay and swish their tails at danger.


Mama Nae said...

That's really strange... I'm pretty sure those are The Squirrels of NIMH!

TBM said...

What a great photo!

Do you think that squirrel is saying: Nah-nah-nah-nah-boo-boo!

lucylucia said...

JAPRA - he certainly was! That squirrel was crawlng all over the windows and just driving the cats crazy!

Janae - they have no fear at all. I was even knocking on the window to scare it off and it just looked at me.

Julia said...

The 4 Dings (but I really think it was your Luvbug) put the squirls up to it!

Shay said...

HAHAHAHHahahhhahaha! Who has the bigger brain of those two?